
Base a File List on Excel, SharePoint List, or text file and use it as a Data Source.


Use a File List for:

  • Parameter and filter values
  • Delivery email list

Create a File List

To create an object, select Manage then a folder.

  • Select New > File List
  • Name: Enter a name
  • Source:Select a source
    • From Network: Select Excel or text file from a Network Folder
    • From Platform: Select Excel, SharePoint List, or text file from a Platform
    • From InfoBurst: Select Excel or text file that has been added to InfoBurst. Be advised this option uses the static version of the file added to InfoBurst.
  • Select the Select File button to select a file
  • Select the Save button


  • Default Column: Enter default column to return when source contains multiple columns
  • Condition: Enter condition(s) to refine values returned. Examples:
    • State='Arizona'
    • Region='West' AND Status=1
    • Revenue>1000
  • Use Formatted Values: Enabled this option to return raw data types from Excel (STRING/NUMBER/DATE). Disable the option to use Excel formatted values (all values returned as STRING).


To preview (test) the File List, define a Default Column and save. Then select the double arrow button (right). Remove the Default Column and save if you do not intend to use a default column (recommended).

See Also

Creating & Using a Data Source

Intelligent Email Delivery

Using Extra Columns