
This article provide an overview of the XDC. Please review content in Dashboard Data Management for details about XDC usage scenarios.

What is an XDC?

The XML Data Cache (XDC) is a unit of execution containing one or more blocks of cache data to be used in a dashboard. The XDC can include data from multiple sources. When executed manually or via a Schedule, the XDC results in one or more caches of data. The data cache is then consumed from the dashboard or web application.

XDC sources include:

 XDC Sections


Contains general XDC settings.

Processing Options

  • Generation Mode: Determines how XDC items are processed.
    • Sequential: Process items sequentially
    • Parallel: Process items in parallel
  • Max Generation: This setting controls the total runtime of an item within the XDC (not total XDC runtime). If Max Generation is exceeded, then the XDC item processing will be terminated and retried (x2). Number of retries is configurable. 

Email on Abort:  Send email notification to executing user when Burst aborts

Enable Logging: Enable XDC usage logging

Support Package: Select to download XDC Support Package (zip). Provide the Support Package when reporting an XDC issue to the InfoSol Help Desk.

Summary: Select to download a PDF summary of Burst configuration

Recent Activity: View Burst runtime logs


Add one or more XDC sources.

Cache Queries

Create queries against the data cache and consume the Cache Queries from a dashboard.


Supply parameter values when the XDC source contains one or more parameters.


Enable and configure XDC authentication when required.


Add one or more Actions based on XDC status.


  • Publish as Tableau Hyper: Publish the XDC as a .hyper file. Requires a Template.
  • Download a Snapshot: An XDC Snapshot contains the XDC cache data and cache queries. Create a new XDC from a snapshot for development purposes. An XDC created from a snapshot cannot be refreshed.


View objects referenced by the XDC and objects that reference the XDC.

Cache URL Access

The cache can be accessed via URL based on cache configuration:
  • Cache: http://[SERVER]:8551/infoburst/rest/get/xdc/[XDCID]
  • Cache with Key: http://[SERVER]:8551/infoburst/rest/get/xdc/[XDCID]?k=[VALUE]
  • Cache Query: http://[SERVER]:8551/infoburst/rest/exec/xdcqry/[XDCID]?q=[QUERY]
  • Cache Query with Parameter: http://[SERVER]:8551/infoburst/rest/exec/xdcqry/[XDCID]?q=[QUERY]&[PARAMETER]=[VALUE]

See Also

Create an XDC