This article describes the options available for PDF printer deliveries.
Enter print commands in the Print Options > Options field under Format for a Network Printer delivery.
VeryPDF PDFPrint v2.5 Web: Email: [email protected] Build: Sep 25 2010 ------------------------------------------------------- Description: Print PDF files to physical printer. Note: 1. Paper size can be selected either standard papers or user defined papers. Look at following page for the standard papers: ------------------------------------------------------- Usage: pdfprint [options] [Options] <PDF Files> -firstpage <int> : first page to print, from 1 to max page -lastpage <int> : last page to print, from 1 to max page -prompt : prompt the user with the print dialog so they c an change printer settings and/or select pages manually -printer <string> : printer name to print -savedevmode <string> : prompt the user with print dialog and save the printer settings into a disk file -loaddevmode <string> : restore printer settings which saved by -savede vmode parameter -promptdevmode : prompt the user with print dialog and print the printer settings to screen -devmode <string> : restore printer settings which outputed by -pro mptdevmode parameter -copies <int> : set number of copies to print -setcopyto : set '-copies' value to printer instead of print it several times -paper <string> : paper size to printer pdf : retrieve paper size from PDF file number : standard paper size others : user defined paper size -scalex <int> : X axis scale factors, default is 100 100 : do not scale PDF page 0 : scale the width of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height -scaley <int> : Y axis scale factors, default is 100 100 : do not scale PDF page 0 : scale the height of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height -pdforient <int> : select the orientation of the show PDF page, 0 : upright, default 1 : upside down 2 : left side down 3 : right side down 4 : auto detect orientation for PDF pages -orient <int> : select the orientation of the printer paper, 1 is portrait (default) and 2 is landscape -duplex <int> : select duplex or double-sided printing for prin ters capable of duplex printing, 1 : simplex 2 : horizontal 3 : vertical -color <int> : specify color or monochrome to printer, 1 : monochrome 2 : color -xres <int> : specify the printer x-resolution, -4 : high -3 : medium -2 : low -1 : draft number: the number of dots per inch (DPI) and is therefore device dependent -yres <int> : specify the printer y-resolution -xoffset <int> : specify a page offset in the horizontal axis -yoffset <int> : specify a page offset in the vertical axis -collate <int> : specify whether collation should be used when printing multiple copies, 0 is disable and 1 is enable -scale <int> : specify the factor by which the printed output is to be scaled, The apparent page size is scaled from the physical page size by a factor of scale/100. -shell : Call default PDF viewer to print PDF file -shell2 : Call default PDF viewer to print PDF file -shelltime <int> : set timeout for shell printing,in milliseconds -raster : render PDF page to image before printing -raster2 : render PDF page to image before printing -rasterbitcount <int> : set bitcount for raster image, e.g., 1, 8, 24 -rasterbwtext : disable halftone for color text, for -raster2 o nly -preproc : process PDF file before printing, useful for so me damaged PDF files -printtofile <string> : save print spooling data to a disk file -mergeprintjobs : combine all print jobs into one print job -listprinter : list printers in system -listbins : list bins/trays of a printer -listjobs : list print jobs in printer's queue -listall : list printers, ports, monitors etc. -chgbin <int> : change bin/tray for printer by number -papersource <string> : change bin/tray for printer by name -winfont : use Windows fonts to instead of embedded fonts -winfont2 : force to use Windows fonts to instead of all em bedded fonts -useembedfont : use embedded fonts from PDF file -useunicode <int> : enable or disable unicode conversion for PDF pr inting -antifonts : enable anti-aliased font bitmaps for emulated f onts -nochgprinter : don't change default printer during printing -restoreprinter : restore original settings to printer after prin ting -printermargins : reduce to printer margins when printing -checkjobstatus : check status for print jobs -checkjobtime <int> : delay some time before check status for print j obs, in millisecond -nodelfailjobs : don't delete failed print jobs -movetotop : move print area to top if printer paper not sam e as PDF paper, default is 'center' -openpassword <string> : set open password to PDF file -ispasswordprotected : check if a PDF file protected by 'open password ' or not -getpagecount : read page count from input PDF file -jobusername <string> : specify the name of the user who owns the print job -jobdocname <string> : specify document name of print job -ownerservicename <string> : specify the name of OwnerService on Windows Ser ver 2008 -deleteownerservice <string> : remove the OwnerService from Windows -silent : print PDF files silently -timeout <int> : specify a timeout to avoid hanging pdfprint pro cess, in millisecond -wtext <string> : watermark on printed document -wtype <int> : type of watermark 0 : normal watermark 1 : watermark on header 2 : watermark on footer -wf <string> : font name of watermark -wh <int> : font height of watermark -ww <int> : font width of watermark -wb : specify bold font -wi : specify an italic font -wu : specify an underlined font -ws : specify a strikeout font -wo <int> : opacity of watermark, from 0 to 100 -wa <int> : angle of watermark -wc <string> : color of watermark, FF0000: Red color 00FF00: Green color 0000FF: Blue color HexNum: Other colors -wx <int> : X offset of watermark -wy <int> : Y offset of watermark -quiet : don't print any message on screen -debug : print out debug messages -watermarkfile <string> : a .ini file which contain information for multi ple watermarks -$ <string> : Input registration key Example: pdfprint -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -copies 3 -paper 9 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "pdf" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "11x17in" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "215.9x279.4mm" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "612x792pt" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 1 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 2 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "docPrint" -paper "11x14in" -pdforient 3 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printer "docPrint" -firstpage 1 -lastpage 1 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -prompt C:\input.pdf pdfprint -firstpage -1 -lastpage -1 C:\lastpage.pdf pdfprint -scalex 50 -scaley 50 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -scalex 0 -scaley 0 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -scalex -1 -scaley -1 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -duplex 3 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -color 1 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -xres -4 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -xoffset 200 -yoffset 200 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -scale 50 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -shell -shelltime 5000 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -raster C:\input.pdf pdfprint -raster2 -rasterbitcount 1 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -raster2 -rasterbwtext -rasterbitcount 1 -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\inpu t.pdf pdfprint -shell C:\input.pdf pdfprint -shell2 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -preproc C:\input.pdf pdfprint -printermargins C:\input.pdf pdfprint -nochgprinter -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -mergeprintjobs -copies 3 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -mergeprintjobs C:\*.pdf pdfprint -mergeprintjobs C:\test*.pdf pdfprint -mergeprintjobs C:\files.txt pdfprint C:\files.txt pdfprint -printtofile C:\out.pcl -printer "HP PCL Printer" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -listprinter pdfprint -listjobs -printer "docPrint" pdfprint -listall pdfprint -listbins -printer "docPrint" pdfprint -chgbin 15 -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -papersource "auto" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -papersource "Tray 1" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -papersource "Manual Feed" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -papersource "Media Tray" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -getpagecount C:\input.pdf pdfprint -jobusername TestUser C:\input.pdf pdfprint -savedevmode C:\file.dat -printer "VeryPDF PCL Writer" pdfprint -loaddevmode C:\file.dat -printer "VeryPDF PCL Writer" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -jobdocname "test.doc" -jobusername "MyName" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -winfont -winfont2 C:\input.pdf Watermark options during printing: pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wtype 1 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wf "Arial" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wh 200 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wb -wi -wu -ws C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wo 80 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wo 80 -wa 75 C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wc "FF0000" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wc "00FF00" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wc "0000FF" C:\input.pdf pdfprint -wtext "Watermark" -wx 100 -wy 100 C:\input.pdf