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Audit Reports in IBE

Please create audit reports that will show for a certain date range all the bursts that ran in a date (or, those that failed in a date range) along with the error message. Currently, there is no such reporting capability available in IBE. It is a very important auditing requirement. Also, we need reports on which bursts are using which webi documents and schedules for the bursts. There is no way to extract any information from the IBE database directly either.


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I was only drawn to this thread when I read " along with the error message" in the first discussion post.

I think I read "error message" as "abort reason" sorry.

when I navigate to the Aborted bursts in the Activity logs, I get a list of bursts that failed on the left pane. This is great.

On the right pane there is a view of the abort. This is also great.

Infoburst is able to read thru the complexities of every failed burst, filter to the (or a) point of failure and display this summarized detail on a single screen, usually not more than 2 rows:

1. The action being performed at the point of failure

2. The Detail for the failure

3. The start and end time of the failure

4.  A live hyperlink to the burst that failed.

Below are 4 examples.





The information is extremely useful. However the number of failed bursts  typically are in the hundreds on a monthly basis, and it's becomes time consuming at times to report on (service delivery rates) or act on each burst.

The assumption is/was that the information is already being generated, filtered and summarized.

But I can see how it is also not feasible.

thanks again,



Thanks for the update.

"A or the key component for us is to have the "abort reason" included as a column."

A Burst is a complex object. It can contain numerous items from various sources (non-BusinessObjects) that may be run sequentially or in parallel. This means that a Burst can have more than one aborted step with different causes. For this reason, it is not feasible to include "abort reason" in the A Discover report that includes the Bursts Aborted Between report.

thanks Bryan. we aren't on a current version to benefit from Discovery, but based on the layout you used as an example this doesn't offer much more than we currently have with a custom date range showing bursts with "abort status" in the Activity logs tab outside of an exportable format.

A or the key component for us is to have the "abort reason" included as a column. this would allow us to filter out false positives, focus on specific or related failures and distinguish reporting issues (bad query) from sever related issues (webi outage).

I appreciate the feedback.

Hey Jevan. Discover reporting was introduced last year and offers a variety of reports, including a Bursts Aborted Between report which may meet your requirement.

hi Bryan, 

was this audit report ever developed or delivered?



We hope to release Build 233 by end of September and it will include a new reporting feature. You can read about it here:

The feature will be fully documented in the Build 233 release notes.

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Agree, while this 'schedule report' is helpful with testing and overall info, when filtered, due to the nested output layout , its lacking the flexibility of having all the info in one single row. 

Also, I'm not seeing whether the distribution is Split type.  I ended up using naming convention on the distribution Name field (ex:PDF/split etc) for now and was able to query repository table to identify just because of the split distribution types. 

The schedules report simplified testing process for us.  makes it easy to select the different report/distribution types for testing all possible combinations.

I just opened a ticket to get the SQL behind the Help>Utilities>Schedule Reports button.

InfoSol said there is no SQL because it's using objects.

The Excel document is nice but it needs a lot of formatting for any kind of analysis.

I have spent many hours trying to extract the information from the encrypted PB1 fields with no luck.

This seems like a basic thing to provide customers.

When you have a 1000 plus reports running it's critical to review the bottlenecks.

We also need to have the schedules documented for disaster recovery and auditing purposes.

Please provide a way to query the schedules.

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