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What is the best way to suppress delivery of empty reports?

This is a common question from IB users.

Best Answer

There are two ways to suppress delivery of empty reports:

  1. Evaluate the report's data provider (Document OptionsĀ > Empty Data Provider Options)
  2. Evaluate one or more fields within the report (Deliveries > Delivery Conditions)

Option #1 (WebI only) only works when the data provider contains 0 rows. A data provider may contain some data (header rows, footer information, etc.) but not usable data for the end user. If the data provider contains any data (1+ rows) then the report will be delivered.

Option #2 is the recommended option. It works for all document types and allows the burst designer to apply conditions to one or more reports field to evaluate whether the report contains usable data.

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There are two ways to suppress delivery of empty reports:

  1. Evaluate the report's data provider (Document OptionsĀ > Empty Data Provider Options)
  2. Evaluate one or more fields within the report (Deliveries > Delivery Conditions)

Option #1 (WebI only) only works when the data provider contains 0 rows. A data provider may contain some data (header rows, footer information, etc.) but not usable data for the end user. If the data provider contains any data (1+ rows) then the report will be delivered.

Option #2 is the recommended option. It works for all document types and allows the burst designer to apply conditions to one or more reports field to evaluate whether the report contains usable data.

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