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Export to 'C:\Program Files\InfoSol\InfoBurstPlatform\ RTS' in Excel format failed


The following error is returned in the Burst activity log during EXPORT:

Error ==> Export to 'C:\Program Files\InfoSol\InfoBurst2009\_RTS\447\723\0000\xls_1\70k Row.xls'\ in Excel format failed :: getDocumentInformation exception (Error: WRE 99998) (Your request could not be completed because a failure occurred while the report was being processed. Please contact your system administrator.[ RCIRAS0546 ])


The error will occur for requests to Business Objects where the process requested (EXPORT) exceeds the idle connection timeout



Increase the idle connection timeout to accommodate for the amount of time required to complete the job.

XI 3.1
  • Open the Business Objects Central Management Console
  • Open Servers List
  • View the properties for the DesktopIntelligenceProcessingServer
  • Edit the Idle Connection Timeout (minutes) setting located under Properties

  • Open the Business Objects Central Management Console
  • Open Servers
  • Open the Desktop_IntelligenceReportServer
  • Edit the ''Minutes Before an Idle Report Job is Closed setting located under Properties

Please consult your Business Objects administrator prior to implementing this resolution.

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