Error RWI 00242 is returned in the Burst or XDC activity log during REFRESH.
The error will occur for requests to BusinessObjects exceeding 20 minutes. By default InfoBurst connects to
BusinessObjects via web services and web services times out any idle connection after 20 minutes.
See SAP Note 1244342.
The value for the Enterprise Session timeout is modifiable by adding a property value to the file in
the Web Services Provider web application. This is found in the dswsbobje.war or BusinessProcessBI.war web
application in the folder WEBINF/classes.
Open the file, and enter a new line: session.timeout=[VALUE] where the value is in seconds.
Please consult your Business Objects administrator prior to implementing this resolution.
Bryan Baca
Error RWI 00242 is returned in the Burst or XDC activity log during REFRESH.
The error will occur for requests to BusinessObjects exceeding 20 minutes. By default InfoBurst connects to BusinessObjects via web services and web services times out any idle connection after 20 minutes.
See SAP Note 1244342.
The value for the Enterprise Session timeout is modifiable by adding a property value to the file in the Web Services Provider web application. This is found in the dswsbobje.war or BusinessProcessBI.war web application in the folder WEBINF/classes.
Open the file, and enter a new line: session.timeout=[VALUE] where the value is in seconds.
Please consult your Business Objects administrator prior to implementing this resolution.