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WRE 99998 (Java heap space)


Error WRE 99998 (Java heap space) is returned in the Burst or XDC activity log during REFRESH.


The error can occur when the results of a document refresh exceed the default Java Heap Space setting of 1024.


Please consult your BusinessObjects administrator before implementing this fix.

Modify the Java Heap Space value in the Web Intelligence Processing server.

  • Open the Business Objects Central Management Console
  • Open the Properties of the WebIntelligenceProcessingServer
  • View the 'Properties navigation option
  • Change the setting to 1536 or 2048
  • Re­start the WebIntelligenceProcessingServer

Getting below error for a deski report. Destination is FTP server.  Setting mentioned above (1536 or 2048) is not available for Deski. Is there any other option for this?



Hey Y. The error is being returned by the XI 3.1 server. Are you sure there are no Java Heap Space settings in the CMC DeskI servers?

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