BI 4.2 SP04 - BW-based Web Intelligence parameters issue
Bryan Baca
started a topic
over 7 years ago
SAP BW or BEx-based Web Intelligence reports return the following error during cataloging or in the burst activity log on SET PARAMETER:
Illegal argument (Suspicious identifier(s)...)
This issue was introduced in SP04 and the cause is not yet known. Web Intelligence reports created in SP04 are not affected. This issue is under investigation with SAP.
Please contact the InfoSol Help Desk with questions about this issue.
1 person has this problem
1 Comment
Bryan Baca
over 6 years ago
According to SAP, this issue is resolved starting in BI 4.2 SP04 Patch 3:
Bryan Baca
SAP BW or BEx-based Web Intelligence reports return the following error during cataloging or in the burst activity log on SET PARAMETER:
Illegal argument (Suspicious identifier(s)...)
This issue was introduced in SP04 and the cause is not yet known. Web Intelligence reports created in SP04 are not affected. This issue is under investigation with SAP.
Please contact the InfoSol Help Desk with questions about this issue.
1 person has this problem