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HTML Export error "System.OutOfMemoryException"

A WebI document uses an HTML format delivery to a non-email destination where the report contains hundreds of thousands or millions of rows of data. The following error occurs during the EXPORT phase of the burst:

Error ==> Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The error occurs because InfoBurst must inspect the HTML for image tags and re-point any tags to local images. This processes exceeds the maximum amount of memory available. To work around the issue, InfoBurst will not process the file for image tags and deliver an HTML file where image references are invalid. This change will be delivered in Build 235 FP3.


Hey Surya. This forum refers specifically to an issue regarding publication of HTML. You describe an issue with CSV. We will need to review your InfoBurst logs to determine the exact nature of your issue. I encourage you to open a help desk ticket and be sure to attach the Burst Support Package. (see Burst/XDC)

Bryan, did you find any solution on this? I am also having same issue with one of my report. Its a csv file format.

Hey Dinesh. This forum refers specifically to the error occurring when the format is HTML. I see that you have opened a ticket. Let's pursue the issue there. Have a nice day.


We are receiving the same error when exporting to csv which has only one column in the table without any images.

We have 4.5 millions to process and trying to export it to CSV

Is there any work around for this?



This issue is resolved in InfoBurst Platform Build 235 Fix Pack 3.

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