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Option in schedule to run burst items sequential or in parallel

Add an option in a schedule to run the burst items sequential or parallel.  Can be a checkbox where you add burst items.  Default to parallel (current behavior) so it doesn't interfere with existing schedules.

1 Comment

Hey Brent. Thank you for the suggestion. This is not a feature we are considering for InfoBurst at this time.

It is possible to achieve this using Actions. If you want Bursts to run in a certain sequence, then you can place the first Burst in the sequence in a Schedule. Create a Run Burst Action that runs the first Burst in the sequence. Apply the Action to the On Complete status of the first Burst. The Schedule runs the first Burst then the Action triggers the second Burst when the first Burst completes. Repeat for additional Bursts in the sequence.

Have a nice day.

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