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WebI Excel CSV EXPORT error "System.OutOfMemoryException"

Format for a WebI document delivery is Excel CSV. The following error occurs during EXPORT when the WebI document contains a large volume of data:


This issue is under investigation.


BusinessObjects does not provide an option to export WebI as CSV via the SDK used by InfoBurst. InfoBurst must extract Excel then convert it to CSV. The error can occur when the volume of data to be processed exceed the amount of server memory available to InfoBurst as a 32 bit application. Moving InfoBurst to 64 bit is on the development roadmap.

Build 237 SP1 introduces an option (BI4ExportAsync) that may work around the issue for some users.

To enable BI4ExportAsync:

  • Open a command prompt (Run as administrator)
  • Change directory to the application root folder (default = C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoSol\InfoBurstPlatform)
  • Enter IBConfig BI4ExportAsync True
  • Enter IBConfig to confirm the change
  • Restart the InfoBurst service


Was there any fix for this in Build 2020.7.240 FP5? And how does BI4ExportAsync work?


Hey Sailaja. InfoBurst Builds 240 and earlier were 32-bit. The issue is the result of trying to produce a file that is larger than is feasible for a 32-bit application. InfoBurst versions 2021.1 and later are 64-bit where this limitation no longer exists.

InfoBurst Release Notes

The move from Build 240 to a 64-bit version is technically a migration. However, the process is straightforward and is described in the following article:

64-bit Migration

As always, we recommend moving to the latest available version when considering an upgrade.

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