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Error "There is not enough space on the disk" using Power BI or Tableau data management

InfoBurst server uses the Power BI and/or Tableau add-on for data management (i.e. sending data to Power BI/Tableau). In this scenario, the Burst fails during Export and the Server Log contains the following error:

There is not enough space on the disk

InfoBurst stores data sets in XML format for 15 days (by default) for troubleshooting purposes. The XML files can get large when working with large data sets and may cause a disk space issue. The data files stored in the InfoBurst application root folder _PowerBIData or _HyperData can be safely deleted to free disk space.

If disk space issues persist, then consider reduced the retention period for data file:

  • Power BI: System > Configuration > Category:Log Retention > KeepPowerBIDataSavesFor
  • Tableau: System > Configuration > Category:Log Retention > KeepHyperDataSavesFor
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